Next Level Yin: Postural Reset

How You’ll Feel:
Taller, Lighter, Balanced, Grounded

All Levels

Stress and Pain Relief, Functional Mobility, Strength

Class Description:
Set your body up for success! This class focuses on balancing and aligning your joints while strengthening the deeper muscles that support posture. It also incorporates fascia decompression to soften the layer between the skin and bones, helping to restore your body’s foundation.

What You’ll Do:
You’ll engage in accessible yet challenging dynamic and yin-style movements to open the body and prepare it to let go. Breathing techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, will enhance relaxation, while fascia decompression will help release tension. The class culminates in deep relaxation with Savasana.

Why Are You Well-Qualified to Teach This Class?
I am a certified Posture Specialist through the Egoscue Institute of San Diego.

Why Are You Passionate About Teaching This Class?
I have used these principles to recover from decades of repetitive stress injuries and multiple surgeries. It has been my privilege to help others heal themselves and make lasting improvements to their health.