Membership Cancellation

Follow the directions below to submit a Cancellation Request

We're Sorry to See You Go!

To cancel your membership:

  1. Go to ‘Book Classes’, scroll down to the class schedule widget and login to your account.

  2. Click ‘Manage Account’ below your name in the top right then select ‘Your Credits & Plans’

  3. Click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the Active Membership block. Then select ‘Cancel Plan’

  4. Choose a reason for cancelling, leave comments in the box below, then click ‘Cancel Plan’.

    Cancellation requests are processed within 48 hours. Please note that per our membership cancellation policy, a 30-day notice is required. Depending on your billing cycle, you may be charged one final payment before your cancellation is finalized.

Thank you for being part of Westpark Yoga & Movement—we hope to welcome you back in the future!