Yoga Dance Flow is a movement practice that blends yoga, ballet and contemporary dance together. Choreographed to music, your body will flow from one movement to the next with a sense of artistry. Yoga Dance Flow will challenge your coordination, stamina, balance, memory, proprioception and endurance. Let your soul come alive and have fun experiencing new movement patterns while connecting deeply with self.
Scroll Down for More About Sammy
Meeting Date:
January 14th at 11:30am
**Included in Membership!
By Sammy
More About Samantha
Samantha Rasi is a former professional ballet dancer with Fort Worth Dallas Ballet, LA Classical Ballet and Inland Pacific Ballet. As a student she trained with Pacific Northwest Ballet on full scholarship. She is certified in both Pilates and Yoga and continues to teach ballet to young aspiring professionals. She received her YTT from Diana Vitantonio with additional training with Jason Crandell. She lives in the country with her husband, 3 boys, 3 dogs and a bunch of chickens.